Autumn 2012

Fixing on Jesus

Our Autumn Mantel is set. I couldn’t help but think of Dantes Paradiso XXIII 43-45

Then her eyes turned to the eternal Light

Into whose depth we may believe the eyes

45 Of no other creature penetrates more clearly.

When there are angelic figures or human figures on our mantel, I try to position them where their eyes are fixed on the Eternal Light, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Happy Autumn Everyone, and God bless you all.

Cousin Linda/Daddy’s Birthday

Daddy’s Birthday

Once again, thanks to Facebook, I’ve been able to meet a family member and do some good chatting…both online and phone. My 2nd cousin’s name is Linda Kirk. She is 8 years younger than my father, but she spent A LOT of time with Daddy, Nanny, & Granddaddy.

It’s such a treat to hear her perspective of Varnell, Georgia during the 1950s with my father. My father had a wonderful (no, nothing is ever perfect as we all know) childhood with Linda, her mother, Madeline, her father, Charles, and Linda’s brother, David. As has been told by Nanny Caylor and Linda, there was hardly a weekend that went by (for years and years mind you)  when the Caylors and the Kirks were not together.

Well, today is Daddy’s birthday (he would have been 73), and I know that Linda is like me and filled with wonderful memories of a wonderful man, my father. However, I’m envious of her because she got to know him as her “big brother” cousin who knew each other as human beings so to speak. Knowing my father as a human being was something I only got to know for a little while, and it was still that “friendship/father” relationship.  Linda and I each have our own set of blessings that came from knowing Oliver Haven Caylor….cousin to her…father to me. Happy birthday, Daddy!

Daddy would be 73 today!!

The only thing I want to add is that now Granddaddy would be 95! Every time I think of the love Grandmaw Stone had for her family, it makes me cry. What a woman!

Haven's Ideals by Haven Caylor-Brown

September 10th (yesterday) would have been my
granddaddy’s 94th birthday. Once again, his name was Troy Dewitt
Caylor. He was born on September 10, 1917, and he died on March 29, 1979. He
was one of those grandfathers that could almost be an ideal cliché: He smoked a
pipe, he could do carpentry, was an excellent farmer, loved yard work, could
fix anything that had an engine, could make crafts and holiday sceneries, and
most of all, he loved his family. I was almost 13 when he died, but I have so
many cherished memories of that man. I loved him dearly, and he loved me. As I
have said before, he showed all of his grandchildren so much love. I have
someone else to add to my “Happy Birthday” to Granddaddy message. I simply know
her as Grandmaw Stone.

My granddaddy’s
family was hit hard by the…

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Preschool 2012-2013

First Day of 2012-2013 Preschool: September 11, 2012

Carter and Ammon had such a great Summer 2012: lots of good swimming (all the way across the pool & diving), an AWESOME Baltic Cruise with Germany, Czech Republic, and London mixed in, wonderful playing at home, Nana time, spending the nights at Mamaw’s house, and our trip to Las Vegas the first week of September.

We are ready for the school year! Please pray that all goes well….Update on how it’s going soon! Love to all.