Updated Valentine’s Day 2013

Haven's Ideals by Haven Caylor-Brown

In the late 1990s, an article appeared in the Diario de Yucatán (The Yucatan Journal http://bit.ly/12jViAi). It was my favorite newspaper when I lived in the Yucatan in 1994, but I used the electronic version frequently from 1995 to 1999 when I was teaching English as a Second Language. The students I was teaching were all Spanish speaking, so I would use the articles to translate into English. The article that appeared one Valentine’s Day during those years was absolutely spectacular. It covered the three Greek loves: eros (sexual), phileo (brotherly), and agape (self-less).

The lines about eros were not illicit, but very appropriate for that passion a person has for a boyfriend, girlfriend, or spouse especially on Valentine’s Day. My students and I appreciated the lines regarding the phileo due to the fact they were all pre-teens or young teens who had absolutely NO USE for eros

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Ash Wednesday 2013

Genesis 3:19. “By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return.”


Luke 9: 23:  “Then he said to them all: “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.”

Ash Wednesday

How bold Christians must be to wear ashes on their foreheads, and I love, appreciate, and admire those that will today!  By no means does an outward form of appearance show what is in the heart of a person, but it is one of the few times in the year that people in droves of numbers actually show that they are followers of Jesus Christ as they go out and about with an ash cross on their foreheads.

Non-Christians, maybe take a few minutes today to “google” Jesus Christ, or Ash Wednesday. The event isn’t found in the Bible, but it is an event that many use to remember Jesus as a human and his sacrifices. This is the first event in a Christian “season” that leads up to Easter over 40 days from now.


Christians in Chattanooga, I know the Episcopal, most Methodist, and Presbyterian churches will have Ash Wednesday services: usually morning, noon, and maybe an evening service as well. I do know that Christ Methodist in East Brainerd is having a 7 AM, Noon, and evening service today.

Kids’ Workshop: Home Depot

We are enjoying Home Depot’s FREE Kid’s Workshops!

We started (I guess kinda like a New Year’s Resolution) on January 5, 2013, and we built a birdhouse!

Carter: January 5, 2013

Carter: January 5, 2013

Ammon: January 5, 2013

Ammon: January 5, 2013

Saturday (Groundhog Day as well….Goooo, Groundhogs!) was the day to build a Valentine’s Card holder. It went pretty well.

Sean helping Ammon & Carter paint: Saturday February 2, 2013

Sean helping Ammon & Carter paint: Saturday February 2, 2013

Final Valentine project

Final Valentine project

Happy February to everyone. January has already flown by, and the year is moving on!