Haven Caylor-Brown Bio


Haven Caylor-Brown has an Educational Doctorate in Instructional Leadership. He is a husband and the father of twins, Carter and Ammon.  He has taught for over 30 years: From kindergarten to graduate school. His other degrees include Education Specialist in Curriculum and Instruction, a Master of Education in Social Studies Education, and Bachelor of Arts Degree in Social Studies Education. He is a World Languages Advocate. ​Caylor-Brown Consulting offers world language educators and school systems a diverse range of training from Acquisition Driven Instruction/Comprehensible Input, to instructional technology, to curriculum mapping, to writing grants. The 2023-2024 school year finds Dr. Caylor-Brown laying a foundation for Dual-language (English/Spanish) at The Dalton Academy teaching US History and World History to ELL students with little to no English Language Learning yet must perform on standardized testing. Building schema and language skills to share English content through dual-language learning of that content.

Carter, Ammon, and Haven are featured in Pyle & Karinch’s Find out anything from anyone, anytime (Career, 2014) for his parenting strategies in questioning children for information, and he is also featured in Scenic Scenes: A collection of Chattanooga’s arts and literature (Over the Counter Productions, 2013) with two short stories regarding parenting. With the help of Ammon and Carter’s creativity, Haven wrote Christmas Hawk (Xlibris, 2015) a delightful story about a Red-tailed hawk and the special role she plays during the yuletide season. Haven and his family love to travel, and his latest release is Parenting Strategies on the Go  (Xlibris, 2015) how children can learn while traveling and they don’t even know they are learning.