Awesome Week (49th Birthday, Mother’s Day, & Thank you, Beth Rogers)

My last year in my 40s. Wow! I’ll never forget my father purchasing a calculator (like nearly $25 for a simple, bare-bones, with the highest function of multiplication…LOL) and placing a year then subtracting 1966 to see how old I would be. 2015-1966= 49 šŸ˜‰


49th Birthday

Okay, my birthday (LIVING) was MAGNIFIED a bit with seeing ā€œfragile lifeā€ with my emergency appendectomy on Sunday April 27. The inflamed appendix was caught early, but it could have burst, and I could have been gravely ill. Thanks to good health and God, my recovery went well.


I was riding rides at Dollywood 6 days later.

My Birthday was totally awesome. We went to see ā€œThe Avengers: The Age of Ultronā€ then went to eat at Provinoā€™s Italian Restaurant: Eggplant Parmesan!

Birthday Movie: May 7, 2015

Birthday Movie: May 7, 2015

Several weeks ago, my friend, Beth Sexton Rogers, from our Lipscomb University days sent me a picture and video with a suggestion to make Sun Catchers for Mamaw & Nana. Beth is one of those friends who everybody needs. She sought me out on Facebook over 3 years ago. She is an awesome friend and Sister in Christ. Well, Carter, Ammon, Sean, and I rounded up all the necessary articles, and made sun catchers for Motherā€™s Day gifts.

Sun Catchers

Mother's Day Sun Catchers for Mamaw & Nana

I grilled hamburgers and hot dogs, and we had Mamaw and Nana over for Motherā€™s Day lunch. My only regret is that we didnā€™t take any photos.