Baby Clothes Comfort & Yard Sales!

Dress your baby for Comfort

Dress your baby for Comfort


Base your buying of baby clothes to your children’s comfort (Hayhoe & Churgwen, 2009).

Hayhoe, C. & Churgwen, H. (2009) , Planning for Baby- Clothing Fabric Choices, Care Labels Comfort, Fit, Size, and Safety. Virginia State University.

"Parenting Strategies on the Go" -Haven Caylor, Ed. D.

“Parenting Strategies on the Go” -Haven Caylor, Ed. D.


Baby Clothes Comfort Tips: 

(Except for special occasions consider these tips for buying and using baby clothes:

1) Buy at yard sales

Consider buying baby clothes at yardsales

Consider buying baby clothes at yardsales

“The neighbor behind my house is having a yard sale with a stacks of baby clothes. Even the used ones look brand new. You cannot even tell that her children used them. The lucky thing is that her children are a boy and a girl. You might find some things for Carter and Ammon.” (Parenting Strategies on the Go” p. 5)

I found dozens of outfits for Carter and Ammon at yard sales. The onesies were less than a dollar, and they were close to if not immaculate.

Unless you have an exceptional child at either end of the growth spectrum that doesn’t grow quickly or grows too quickly.

2)Buy a year ahead of time. If you are good at storing things (I’m not) buy ahead several years.

Several outfits for Ammon and Carter were bought on sale ( like $100/$120 dresses for $20) because they were purchased off-season. The best clothing from these sales are the Christmas dresses. We have found several Christmas dresses way up into the month of January.

3) Dress for comfort. Sleeper onesies are a must. If you just have to buy couture baby clothes, go for it. The babies don’t care, and they will grow out of them in weeks.


The majority of baby time is spent sleeping. Who has time for fancy clothes with a multiplicity of pieces. And, my goodness, the poop, pee, vomit, and drool that is going to cover them.