Red-Tailed Hawk Unit Plan

Multiple Intelligences Unit Plan 

There are 8: Naturalistic, Bodily-Kinesthetic, Intrapersonal, Verbal-Linguistic, Interpersonal, Logical-Mathematical, Spatial, & Musical


(1) Naturalistic- Being outside and watching flight patterns of Hawk. Flying straight looking for food or circling for “entertainment” (anthropomorphic) ….. which leads us to ….


(2) Bodily-Kinesthetic Carter, Ammon, and I try to jog every evening. We turned our our jog into a  fun experience with Toy Red-tailed hawks and some hawk-circling moments. It was awesome


(3) Intrapersonal coupled with  (4) Verbal-Linguistic)

  • Write a paragraph with an opening statement, 3 supporting declarative statements, and a closing sentence telling how Carter and Ammon feel about red-tailed hawks.


This also took several days as a part of our writing lesson plans. I was so proud of Carter and Ammon’s first, complete, 5 sentence paragraph.


Carter writes his first complete paragraph in 5 sentences.

Carter writes his first complete paragraph in 5 sentences.


Ammon completes her first paragraph with 5 sentences.

Ammon completes her first paragraph with 5 sentences.


(5) Interpersonal- Two quick interpersonal interactions with acquaintances based on our book , Christmas Hawk.


"Christmas Hawk"

Ammon’s Interpersonal Conversation

Ammon’s Dermatologist: “How cool is it that you all helped write a book?”

Ammon: Yes, she calls to us when we call to her. She eats field mice.

Ammon’s Dermatologist: Good luck with your book signing.

Ammon: Thank you


Carter’s Interpersonal Conversation

Carter and our family Friend, Joann

Joann: This hawk lives near your house?

Carter: Yes, she circles above our house, and we wrote a book about her.

Joann: What is the name of the book?

Carter: “Christmas Hawk”….(Carter hands Joann a copy of the book).

Joann: That is beautiful! Congratulations!

Carter: Thank you.


(6) Logical-Mathematical-  (A)Cypher and work 4 word problems based on a reading “Cool Facts” from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology: About red-tailed hawks.

After reading, I created these mathematical word problems.


  1. A red-tailed hawk can make 1 nest in 7 days. How many days would it take a red-tailed hawk to build 3 nests? (21)


  1. If 4 male red-tailed hawks each weighs 2 pounds, how much do they weigh altogether? (8)


  1. If a female red-tailed hawk can lay 3 eggs a year, how many eggs would she lay in 5 years? (15)


  1. If we have 20 red-tailed hawks and there are equal numbers of males and females, how many male/female pairs would be made? (10)


I am not wasting your time with pics of Ammon & Carter’s answers, but they both made 100s.


(B) Make a fun board game having Hawk fly from start to finish:

Blank Game Board.

  1. We used coins for game pieces.
  2. We used two regular dice.


Sorry it’s sideways, but here is our board! I was so proud, and the game was so fun!

Red-Tailed Hawk Game by Carter & Ammon

(7) SpatialColor a Red-tailed Hawk

Hawk in Flight-coloring

(8)Music- Create a short song about Red-Tailed hawks

It took several days to compose the lyrics then execute the song it was a wonderful experience. It is a combination of both Musical & Verbal-linguistic Intelligences.